National Day of Racial Healing
Communities across the country will participate in the National Day of Racial Healing. It’s a special day to acknowledge the values we share, build common ground and inspire collective action that furthers #HowWeHeal from the effects of racism.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day (MLK DAY)
Dr. King was the chief spokesperson for nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement, which protested racial discrimination in federal and state law.

Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Executive Committee
Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Executive Committee
Time: 1:30 PM- 3:00 PM
Location: 7001A East Parkway, Suite 501, Sacramento
Please refer to the agenda at this link: https://dhs.saccounty.gov/BHS/Pages/Advisory-Boards- Committees/Alcohol-and-Drug-Advisory-Board/BC-2025-Alcohol-and- Drug-Advisory-Board-Meetings.aspx.

Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Treatment Committee
Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Treatment Committee
Time: 2:00 PM- 3:30 PM
Location: WellSpace Health, 4441 Auburn Blvd, Sacramento
Please refer to the agenda at this link: https://dhs.saccounty.gov/BHS/Pages/Advisory-Boards- Committees/Alcohol-and-Drug-Advisory-Board/BC-2025-Alcohol-and- Drug-Advisory-Board-Meetings.aspx.

Sacramento County Opioid Coalition Meeting
Sacramento County Opioid Coalition Meeting
Time: 2:00 PM- 3:30 PM
Register for Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtceGrqTkiH9wL4LjZsTW NCC8wfITOAjbR#/registration.
Meeting Agenda: SUPT and Coalition Community Updates Learn about Mental Health First Aid Training and How to Become Certified Proposition 36 and How It Addresses the Fentanyl Epidemic in Our Community

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
According to the State of California Department of Justice, Attorney General’s website: “Human trafficking is among the world's fastest growing criminal enterprises and is estimated to be a $150 billion-a-year global industry. It is a form of modern-day slavery that profits from the exploitation of our most vulnerable populations. One common misperception is that human trafficking requires movement across borders.
Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Meeting
Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Meeting
Time: 5:30 PM- 7:30 PM
Location: WellSpace Health,1500 Expo Parkway, Sacramento Please refer to the agenda at this link: https://dhs.saccounty.gov/BHS/Pages/Advisory-Boards- Committees/Alcohol-and-Drug-Advisory-Board/BC-2025-Alcoholand- Drug-Advisory-Board-Meetings.aspx.
Sacramento County Coalition for Youth(SCCY)
Sacramento County Coalition for Youth(SCCY)
Time: 4:30 PM- 6:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting: https://scoe.zoom.us/j/85342782955? pwd=jrhUlwDeS8YK9Oot3HadwA04jabPIM.1
Meeting ID: 853 4278 2955
Passcode: SCCY2425
Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Criminal Justice Committee
Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Criminal Justice Committee
Time: 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM
Location: Sacramento County’s District Attorney’s Office, 901 G Street, Conference Room, Sacramento

National Mental Health Wellness Month
Mental Health Wellness Month refers to the actions you take to ensure your mental health needs are being met and maintained.

National Codependency Awareness Month
National Codependency Awareness Month aims at helping those who may be involved in codependent relationships. The greater Sacramento Co-Dependents Anonymous community is a great asset for Sacramento community members trying to break free from codependency and looking for support among those that have faced similar struggles.
New Year's Day
This new year, let’s make a resolution to be more compassionate, kind, and loving to ourselves.

Dry January Month
Dry January Month is a time when many people voluntarily stop consuming alcohol. This month can help normalize abstaining from alcohol or drinking less while developing changes in behaviors for the new year.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Month
In January, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will be kicking off the first national Substance UseDisorder Treatment Month – a time to raise awareness of the benefits and availability of evidence-based treatments for people with a substance use disorder. We know so many people view January as a time to take stock, reset, and take steps toward healthier living.

Hear to Heal Support Group
Hear to Heal is a kindness-based, judgment-free space offering free support group meetings for those who have lost loved ones to opioids and fentanyl.

National Methamphetamine Awareness Day
Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Treatment Committee

Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Executive Committee (Hybrid Format)
Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Treatment Committee

Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Prevention and Education Committee (Hybrid Format)
Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Treatment Committee

Sacramento County Methamphetamine Coalition Meeting, November 14, 2024
Purpose: The goal of the Methamphetamine Coalition is to identify and implement initiatives addressing the methamphetamine use problem and reducing methamphetamine use and its impact in Sacramento County.

Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Meeting (Hybrid Format)
Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Treatment Committee

Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Treatment Committee
Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Treatment Committee

Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Criminal Justice Committee
Time: 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM
Location: Sacramento County’s District Attorney’s Office, 901 G Street, Conference Room, Sacramento

Sacramento County Coalition for Youth (SCCY)
Sacramento County Coalition for Youth (SCCY)

Count Me, I'm in Fatherhood Conference
This is a conference you do not want to miss! Come one come all! Calling all fathers!!

International Recovery Day
Join International Recovery Day by wearing purple and celebrating the power and value of recovery.

Sacramento County Alcohol & Drug Advisory Board Budget Planning and Evaluation Committee (Hybrid Format)
Time: 10:00 AM- 11:30 AM
Location:7001A East Parkway, Suite 501, Sacramento
Zoom: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1611308213? pwd=UGsyTEFYajNsT0dCenQ4Vm1JdEdKQT09
Meeting ID:161 130 8213
Passcode: 174651

National Addiction Professionals Day
Addiction Professionals Day was established to honor those who dedicate themselves to treating people with substance use disorders. We welcome everyone to join us in celebrating the meaningful work that addiction professions provide on a daily basis.

Breaking Barriers: Addressing Mental Health Challenges in Latino Men
Workshop: Breaking Barriers: Addressing Mental Health Challenges for Latino Men